Bright Futures Program
Aimed at strengthening families, empowering parents and helping children ages 0-5 thrive, Bright Futures is a program for teen and young parents currently incarcerated at Fresno’s Juvenile Justice Campus and those with former involvement with Juvenile Probation or Foster Care.
What We Do
Using a multi-generational approach, Bright Futures provides evidence-based and research-based parenting education, mentoring, case management and referrals to community resources that will further enhance parents’ ability to achieve self-sufficiency and create safe and nurturing environments for their children.
Our goal is to increase families' access to health care services, improve parents' knowledge of early education and decrease economic insecurities.
Bright Futures parenting classes are accepted by the Juvenile Court and Family Court.
“I personally liked that we were treated fairly and never criticized for why we were in this class. We had the opportunity to be open and vulnerable and receive proper information to help us with our struggles and situation. Everything makes so much more sense now.”
parenting Education Programs
Nurturing Parenting Programs
The Nurturing Parenting Programs, published by Family Development Resources, Inc. is recognized by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), the National Registry of Evidence-based Practices (NREPP) and the Substance Abuse-Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). It contains over 30 trauma-informed programs which have proven to be effective in treating and preventing the reoccurrence of child abuse and neglect. The programs are designed to be family-based with a highly structured series of sequenced lessons.
Just Beginnings Program
The Just Beginning program provides an opportunity for incarcerated youth to have one on one bonding time with their child in the facility. Through research-based parenting instruction and structured weekly visits, the program supports young parents as they become committed parents and build a strong relationship with their child. This program aims to increase the attachment between parent and child to reduce recidivism.
Focus Forward has partnered with the Youth Law Center and Fresno County Probation to provide this service to youth and their children since 2009.