Photo Credits: Launch Party by InPower Marketing, Backstage Photos by Rene Moncada
8th Edition
7th edition
6th Edition
5th Edition
4th Edition
3rd Edition
2nd Edition
1st edition
Stories of Hope Magazine
The Stories of Hope Magazine is a beautiful collection featuring the real life stories of people in our very own community who have overcome adversity, who are leading healthy, productive lives and who inspire hope.
At Focus Forward, we work with young people who are touched by the Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare systems, providing them, and their families support and services to guide them on their pathway to success. The individuals and families we serve have experienced generational layers of trauma, injustice and loss. Bringing hope to these youth and families is the reason we create this magazine, and share these stories.
Enjoy all 9 editions of the Stories of Hope Magazine by clicking on the Cover Page Image below. As you read each story, our hope is that you are as inspired by these storytellers as we are by the youth we serve.
For free copies of the magazine, drop by our community site at 1974 N. Gateway Blvd. Suite 104 Monday-Friday from 8:30AM - 5:00PM or look for a copy at the dozens of locations in and around Fresno County where the magazine has been distributed.
to get involved in the next edition, contact us by filling out the form below.
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